Alliance for Peacebuilding

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Adaptive Peacebuilding Programming Through Effective Feedback Loops: Promising Practices

Authors: Kiely Barnard-Webster & Isabella Jean

Publisher: CDA Collaborative Learning

Publication date: March 2017

Abstract: This case study report was developed by CDA’s part of Peacebuilding Evaluation Consortium collaborative research on the use of feedback loops in support of adaptive programming. Feedback loops are just one element of adaptive programming and are defined and used in different ways by organizations working on social change, peace and development issues. This document includes key findings from our desk review of reports and grey literature, key informant interviews, observations documented during CDA’s advisory and learning engagements with peacebuilding partners as well as the case study on SFCG’s feedback processes in Burundi. The findings are most relevant to program and M&E staff but have implications for senior management and policymakers in light of growing interest in strengthening adaptive management.


1          Introduction 4

2          Why Feedback Loops and Adaptive Peacebuilding Programming? 5

3          Summary of Findings 7

4          Feedback Loops at Mercy Corps: Cross-sectoral approach 8

5          The Mennonite Central Committee (MCC): Feedback Loops in a Partnership Model 9

6          International Alert: Feedback Loops in an M&E Process 12

7          Search for Common Ground: Feedback Loops in Burundi 14

8          Bibliography 20