Alliance for Peacebuilding

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Behavioral Observations for Measuring Peace Outcomes: Lessons from Nigeria’s Middle Belt

Authors: Mercy Corps

Publisher: Mercy Corps

Publication date: March 2019

Abstract: Across various programs, Mercy Corps has developed a suite of tools, including surveys and other instruments, to measure the effects of peacebuilding programs on peace, security, and social cohesion outcomes. Through the Engaging Communities for Peace (ECPN) program in Nigeria, PEC supported the development of and training on a set of observation tools that could help triangulate data on relationships and attitudes across conflict groups, specifically around social and economic interactions. Observations can help address the critique that peacebuilding M&E relies too heavily on self-reporting around changes in attitudes and behaviors. This brief outlines what worked well from this set of measurement tools that could benefit future M&E of peacebuilding programs, as well as lessons and recommendations for adaptations


1            Overview 1

2            Background of the Program and Impact Evaluation 1

3            Description of Observation Tools 2

4            Using the Tools: Findings and Lessons 3

5            Conclusion 6