Alliance for Peacebuilding

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Faith Matters: A Guide for the Design, Monitoring, & Evaluation of Inter-Religious Peacebuilding

Authors: Peter Woodrow, Nick Oatley, & Michelle Garred

Publisher: Alliance for Peacebuilding

Publication date: October 2017

Abstract: This Guide provides advice on designing a monitoring and evaluation process to collect data that can be used for learning, assessment of results and project improvement. Guidance will cover monitoring, evaluation, use, and dissemination of results. Because considerations of project design are integral to monitoring and evaluation questions, we have also provided a brief overview of emerging standards regarding the design of peacebuilding programming, with references to additional resources.

The Guide outlines the decisions and stages involved in setting up a monitoring process and undertaking an evaluation for inter‐religious action for peacebuilding. It adapts and supplements secular evaluation principles and practices to ensure that the monitoring and evaluation of inter-religious actions are sensitive to and respectful of faith traditions, values, practices, priorities and motivations—and that they capture adequately the important spiritual dimensions of the work. It draws on available “how to” guidance on monitoring and evaluation processes and includes multiple references to the most relevant resources.

Throughout the Guide, we provide examples to illustrate various steps and processes. We will also use an illustrative scenario to illustrate how the guidance might be applied in a particular case.


Acknowledgments 1

Using the Guide 3

1     Introduction to the Guide, Audiences, Key Terms & Illustrative Scenario 4

2     Distinctive Considerations for Monitoring & Evaluating Inter-Religious Peacebuilding 17

3     Designing and Monitoring of Inter-Religious Action Programs 36

4     Preparing for an Evaluation 70

5     Implementing an Evaluation 105

6     Annexes 144

About the Authors:

EIAP is a project by the Alliance for Peacebuilding in partnership with Search for Common Ground and CDA Collaborative with funding and support form the GHR Foundation.

The Alliance for Peacebuilding and its partners in the Peacebuilding Evaluation Consortium—CDA Collaborative Learning Projects, Mercy Corps, and Search for Common Ground—began the Effective Inter-Religious Action in Peacebuilding project (EIAP), with funding from the GHR Foundation. This three-year initiative seeks to improve the evaluation practices of inter-religious peacebuilding programs by addressing three specific gaps in inter-religious peacebuilding efforts: measurement, cooperation, and policy.