Alliance for Peacebuilding

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Collaborating to Measure Peace? Recommendations from Myanmar

Authors: Mercy Corps

Publisher: Mercy Corps

Publication date: February 2019

Abstract: Supported by Mercy Corps, the Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP) and the Peacebuilding Evaluation Consortium, staff from local peacebuilding organizations working across Myanmar gathered to share learnings on peacebuilding DM&E, generate solutions, and build capacity in key areas. All agreed on the importance of galvanizing a culture of reflection, learning, and transparency related to program DM&E and that coming together at regular intervals to share honest reflection about challenges was essential. The group generated a set of recommendations that explore these challenges and provide creative, actionable solutions for donors, governments, and international and national non-governmental organizations that are looking to scale the impact of their programs, build local capacity, and improve sustainability.


1            Background 1

2            Recommendations 2