Alliance for Peacebuilding

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RCTs for Peacebuilding: Lessons from Nigeria’s Middle Belt

Authors: Mercy Corps

Publisher: Mercy Corps

Publication date: March 2019

Abstract: Many peacebuilding interventions are rooted in the theory that if we bring conflicting groups together to work toward mutual goals, then trust between the two groups will improve, and violence will decrease.1 Mercy Corps implemented a study that examines the effectiveness of such an intervention in Nigeria’s Middle Belt, where resource-based conflict between farmers and pastoralists has led to thousands of deaths and costs the Nigerian economy nearly $14 billion a year.


1            Background 1

2            Why conduct an RCT of a peacebuilding program? 2

1            Overview of the Research 3

1            Overcoming Obstacles to Conducting an RCT for Peacebuilding 4

1            Recommendations 9