Alliance for Peacebuilding

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Policy Brief: Effective Inter-Religious Action in Peacebuilding Program

Publisher: Alliance for Peacebuilding

Publication date: November 2017

Abstract: This policy brief summarizes overall findings from the EIAP Project on faith sensitive design, monitoring, and evaluation of inter-religious actions for peacebuilding. It provides key policy recommendations based upon these findings for policymakers, donors, implementers, practitioners, and evaluators.

About the Authors:

EIAP is a project by the Alliance for Peacebuilding in partnership with Search for Common Ground and CDA Collaborative with funding and support form the GHR Foundation.

The Alliance for Peacebuilding and its partners in the Peacebuilding Evaluation Consortium—CDA Collaborative Learning Projects, Mercy Corps, and Search for Common Ground—began the Effective Inter-Religious Action in Peacebuilding project (EIAP), with funding from the GHR Foundation. This three-year initiative seeks to improve the evaluation practices of inter-religious peacebuilding programs by addressing three specific gaps in inter-religious peacebuilding efforts: measurement, cooperation, and policy.