Alliance for Peacebuilding

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Meta-Review of Inter-Religious Peacebuilding Program Evaluations

Authors: Jennie Vader for the Peacebuilding Evaluation Consortium

Publisher: CDA Collaborative Learning

Publication date: June 2015

Abstract: This review seeks to understand what the current trends are in the evaluation of inter-religious peacebuilding programs and to assess the quality of evaluations. It is also meant to enhance the evidence base for inter-religious action in peacebuilding by emphasizing the need for robust independent evaluations and enhanced evaluative thinking in order to increase the use of evaluation for both accountability and learning.


1            Introduction 8

2            Methodology 9

3            Evaluation Foundations 11

4            Quality of Evaluations 20

5            Conclusions and Recommendations 37

6            Annexes 42

About the Authors:

The Peacebuilding Evaluation Consortium (PEC) is a project of Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP) in partnership with CDA Collaborative Learning Projects, Mercy Corps and Search for Common Ground (SFCG). The project is funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY) and is field-wide effort to address the unique challenges to measuring and learning from peacebuilding programs.