Alliance for Peacebuilding

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Sub-Sector Review of Evidence from Reconciliation Programs

Authors: Isabella Jean, Sarah Lamorey & Kiely Barnard-Webster

Publisher: CDA Collaborative Learning

Publication date: March 2019

Abstract: This review of evidence gathered from formal evaluations of reconciliation programs is part of a larger effort undertaken by CDA in partnership with the Peacebuilding Evaluation Consortium (PEC). As part of this consortium effort, the Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP) has published a review of theories of changes and indicators in use by violence reduction programs, and CDA has developed this synthesis of available evidence and reported outcomes from evaluations of reconciliation programming. Overall, PEC sub-sector reviews are not intended to draw definitive conclusions on program effectiveness, but instead to launch a process of substantive learning that can be continued by PEC members and other peacebuilding organizations and researchers. Our syntheses of existing evidence identify gaps in current knowledge that may require additional research efforts, beyond project- and program-level evaluations.


1            Background on PEC sub-sector reviews 4

2            Methodology 5

3            What we know about reconciliation in practice 9

4            Review of Theories of Change and Results by Program Type 10

5            Sustainability and Long-Term Impacts 23

6            Recommendations 25

7            References and Additional Resources 26

8            Appendices 28