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#Yes4YPS Webinar - Closing Civic Space: Protecting Youth on the Frontlines of Peacebuilding

OCTOBER 7, 2020 | 11AM ET

Join us for the fifth webinar in our series on Closing Civic Spaces: Protecting Youth on the Frontlines of Peacebuilding.

Issues of protection need to be on the forefront of the global youth, peace, and security policy agenda, to ensure that we are protecting the youth peacebuilders serving on the frontlines of conflict. UNSCR 2535, introduced on July 14, 2020, spearheaded this by calling on member states to prioritize the protection of youth activists worldwide. This conversation will focus on what more we must do to prioritize this issue.


  • (Moderator) Rachel Walsh Taza - Search for Common Ground, Children and Youth Program Manager

  • Leonardo Parraga - UNOY, Global Trainer & BogotArt, Executive Director

  • Philomena Wankenge - Freedom Fighters DC, Founder & BLM

  • Nanyeni Glory - World Pulse (Cameroon), Protection Officer

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