The Alliance for Peacebuilding, through its staff and members, has a vast reserve of experience and expertise that we can draw upon to discuss and analyze today’s most complex conflicts, and peace and security.
By Nick Zuroski and Clare Guinta
Published in New Security
By Nick Zuroski
Global Network on Extremism & Technology
By Megan Corrado and Kelcey Negus of Alliance for Peacebuilding
Just Security
By Liz Hume, Executive Director, Alliance for Peacebuilding
Just Security
By Elizabeth Hume and Megan Corrado of the Alliance for Peacebuilding
Just Security
By Elizabeth Hume, Megan Corrado, and Nick Zuroski of the Alliance for Peacebuilding
By Elizabeth Hume, Executive Director, Alliance for Peacebuilding
Civil Society Platform for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding, “Local Voices at a Crossroads”
By Elizabeth Hume, Executive Director, Alliance for Peacebuilding and Kate Phillips-Barrasso, Vice President of Global Policy and Advocacy, Mercy Corps
Just Security
By Elizabeth Hume, Executive Director, Alliance for Peacebuilding
By Tanya Domi and Hikmet Karcic
Foreign Policy
By Megan Corrado and Paul Carroll
Just Security
By Cynthia Brady, Liz Hume, and Nick Zuroski
The Wilson Center’s New Security Beat
By Theo Sitter
Waging Nonviolence
by Liz Hume and Leslie Mitchell
The Defense Post
Featuring Liz Hume
Louisville Forward Radio
by Liz Hume
Responsible Statecraft
by Liz Hume and Theo Sitther
The Dallas Morning News
by Liz Hume and Chief Jim Bueermann (ret.)
by Megan Schleicher (AfP) and Vahe Mirikian (Peace Direct)
The Hill
by Liz Hume (AfP) and Theo Sitther (AfP)
The Hill
by Liz Hume (AfP)
Just Security
by Liz Hume (AfP)
The Defense Post
by Liz Hume (AfP) and Tim Phillips (Beyond Conflict)
by Uzra Zeya (AfP) and Jon Finer (CFR)
Council on Foreign Relations
by Liz Hume (AfP) and Julia Roig (PartnersGlobal)
by Liz Hume (AfP) and Erol Yayboke
Center for Strategic & International Studies
The Jurist
By Gabrielle Pasternak
By Julian Borger
The Guardian
Featuring Liz Hume, Interviewed by Rebecca Root
Featuring Liz Hume, Interviewed by Michel Martin
National Public Radio, All Things Considered
By Ian Talley and Mengqi Sun
The Wall Street Journal
Featuring Liz Hume, Interview by Debilyn Molineaux
The Fulcrum
Press Release: Representative Grace Meng