Peacebuilding Starts at Home: A Call to Action in the United States

In 2015, AfP began analyzing and addressing conflict dynamics in the United States and the Global North. It is hypocritical to tell people in countries “over there” how to prevent and reduce conflict, violence, and instability if we can’t do it here—and if we don’t, then we do so at our own peril. AfP is working to mobilize policy and lawmakers, the private sector, and everyday Americans to champion practical and actionable peacebuilding programs, from the community to the national level. But peace doesn’t just happen, we must build it. Join us!


1. Educating and raising awareness on the drivers of instability and conflict in the U.S. to rebuild trust and build support and advocate for evidenced-based constructive policies, resources, and program solutions—from the local to the national level—for these drivers.

2. Connecting people to organizations that are working to build peace and prevent conflict in their communities and beyond, as well as developing activities if nothing exists.

3. Developing and disseminating ways to explain how anyone can learn to build peace and prevent conflict (that doesn’t take hours of classes) so you can spark change in your home, community, online, and beyond.

Interested in learning more and joining? Reach out to Nick Zuroski!

Want to learn how to build peace in your own neighborhood and around the world? Join AfP in our new campaign:

Got Conflict? Stop, Think, and Build Peace.

Past AfP U.S. Peace, Justice, and Democracy Initiatives

U.S. Peace, Justice, and Democracy Working Group

Up until early 2024, AfP and Urban Rural Action led the U.S. Peace, Justice, and Democracy Working Group, which sought to address conflict dynamics, prevent and reduce violence and extremism, and build sustainable peace in the U.S.