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Beyond Mitigating Risks and Disruptions: Expanding the Meaning of Conflict Sensitive Evaluation

Authors: Isabella Jean, Henry Nelson, & Elisabeth Ris

Publisher: CDA Collaborative Learning

Publication date: March 2017

Abstract: This paper was developed in response to the identified need for more resources on conflict sensitivity. The paper examines practices used to limit potentially negative effects on evaluation processes in fragile and conflict-affected contexts and explores emerging practices for understanding and reducing the extent to which evaluation processes and products negatively impact local and national dynamics in divided fragile contexts


1       Section I: Introduction 4

2       Section II: What is Conflict Sensitive Evaluation? Why does it matter? 4

3       Section III: Promising Practices for Conflict Sensitive Evaluation 9

4       Section IV: Questions for Further Inquiry 17

5       Section V. Questions to Guide Considerations for Conflict Sensitive M&E Processes 18

6       Bibliography 21