Alliance for Peacebuilding

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Local Peacebuilding: What works and why

Authors: Phil Vernon

Publisher: joint collaboration between Peace Direct & Alliance for Peacebuilding

Publication date: June 2019

Abstract: This report argues that more support for local peacebuilding is needed, and highlights examples of effective local initiatives in support of this claim. To counter the scepticism some decision‑makers express about the impact of local peacebuilding, the report is confined to examples that have been objectively assessed by external evaluators or researchers.

After a short account of our research approach, the report explores peacebuilding impacts in respect of three broad headings, with a chapter on each:

  • Community‑based peace initiatives;

  • Initiatives led by, or engaging specific groups, such as women, youth and traumatized people;

  • Initiatives that advocate improved national policies and discourse, or early‑warning networks.


1            Introduction 1

2            Approach 8

3            Community-based peace initiatives 10

4            Initiatives led by, or engaging, specific groups 24

5            Shaping public discourse and policy, and early-warning networks 36

6            Findings and recommendations 46


About the Authors:

This research was conducted and the final report written by Phil Vernon under the guidance of a steering group consisting of Jessica Baumgardner-Zuzik, Elizabeth Hume, Dylan Mathews, Bridget Moix and Sarah Phillips. The research benefited from support by Mohamed Ismail, Vahe Mirikian and Shaziya Netto, and we would also like to thank Ken Barlow for editorial support