Alliance for Peacebuilding

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Perspectives in Peacebuilding: Assessment of current dynamics in the peacebuilding system

Authors: Jessica Baumgardner-Zuzik & Shaziya Netto

Publisher: Alliance for Peacebuilding

Publication date: October 2019

Abstract: This research effort looks across the spectrum of the state of the peacebuilding field to gather critical data to understand key norms and attitudes as they relate to Design, Monitoring, and Evaluation (DM&E) capacity, funding dynamics, the greatest needs for reform and pathways for change, and the future of the peacebuilding field. It provides a high-level analysis of current norms and attitudes. Recommendations based on the findings are provided to donors and policymakers to strengthen the peacebuilding field to achieve its goals of lasting, sustainable peace.


Acknowledgements i

1            Purpose of the Study 1

2            Recommendations 2

3            Methodology  5

Methods  5

Sample  5

4            Key Norms & Attitudes 6

DM&E Integration 7

Funding 9

Reform & Pathways to Change 11

Future of the Field - Threats  13

Future of the FIeld - Opportunities 15

5            Conclusion 17

4            Annexes 18

Research Tools 18

Qualitative Data 23


About the Authors:

Jessica Baumgardner-Zuzik is the Senior Director of Learning & Evaluation at the Alliance for Peacebuilding.

Shaziya Netto is a Research Consultant specialising in social network analysis, peacebuilding M&E, and quantitative research.