Civil Society in the Age of Automation: Understanding the Benefits and Risks of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Bots

Civil society organizations should not view these technologies as a smackdown between flesh and code, but as a partnership to better address development needs. Civil society can play a key role in addressing the risks posed by A.I., especially for marginalized people and communities who will feel the brunt of any negative impact.

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Social Media and Its Impact on Social & Political Goods: A Peacebuilding Perspective

The Toda Peace Institute and the Alliance for Peacebuilding are hosting a series of policy briefs discussing social media impacts on social and political goods. Over the next several months, top experts and thought leaders will provide insight into social media’s threats and opportunities. This first briefing provides a conceptual summary, and a set of policy recommendations to address the significant threats to social and political goods

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Violence Against Women in Politics: A Barrier to Peace and Security

Although the American policy community views the Women, Peace, and Security Act and the International Violence against Women Act of 2017 as addressing all the myriad problems women face in conflict, these laws do not adequately deal with the particular and pervasive problem of violence against women in politics, nor has the legislation been interpreted as covering it.

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