How Congress Can Break Down Barriers to GFA Implementation

To successfully implement the GFA, Congress and the Administration must develop a close partnership that requires a robust and regular communications strategy to build trust, share developments, create buy-in, and ensure sustained commitment to the GFA. The GFA offers a much-needed opportunity for the U.S. Government to experiment with programming, which could ultimately be the way ahead beyond the five priority countries and region for U.S. government strategies in conflict affected and fragile states. The Administration and Congress must foster and ensure a close partnership to communicate challenges and successes and what it needs for the GFA to succeed. While there are many bureaucratic, operational, and legal barriers and challenges, Congress can now address the following issues to ensure the successful implementation of the GFA.

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How the 118th Congress Can Prevent Violent Conflict & Promote Peace in the United States

The Alliance for Peacebuilding urgently calls lawmakers to action to collectively work together to address grievances across the political spectrum and provide the necessary resources to fund vital programs to prevent and reduce violent conflict and extremism and build sustainable peace in the United States. Peacebuilding organizations across the country are working to address the drivers of increasing violence and extremism in the U.S., and now it is time for Congress to devote sufficient resources to their efforts.

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A Pivot to Prevention: How the 118th Congress Can Prevent Violent Conflict & Build Peace Globally

Preventing and reducing violent conflict and building sustainable peace globally is a bipartisan issue. Congress is leading on adopting practical laws and providing critical peacebuilding and conflict prevention funding. However, more work is needed to ensure peacebuilding and conflict prevention become central pillars and are integrated throughout U.S. foreign diplomacy and development strategies and policies. As the 118th Congress begins its work, it must elevate peacebuilding and conflict prevention and ensure the U.S. government has the ability to innovate, scale what is working, and change what is not. Now, Congress must provide much-needed resources to support partnership with conflict-affected and fragile states to address increasing violent conflict and extremism and promote security—at home and abroad.

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