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Foreign Aid & its Unintended Consequences: A Conversation with Dirk-Jan Koch

  • 1800 Massachusetts Ave NW, 20036 Suite 401 Washington, DC United States (map)

Humanitarian, peacebuilding, and development assistance frequently bring with them a range of unintended consequences—both negative and positive. Professor Dirk-Jan Koch combines his two decades of diplomatic and development expertise with new research in his new book, Foreign Aid and its Unintended Consequences, to unpack the complex realities of foreign aid on the people surrounding it. On Wednesday, October 11th at 4pm ET, join a hybrid discussion hosted by Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP) and Search for Common Ground in which Professor Koch will delve into these consequences, providing a fresh and comprehensive guide to understanding and addressing them. The conversation will explore how to jumpstart a movement to “radically reform the global development sector.”

Watch the recording below!


  • Dirk-Jan Koch, Chief Science Officer, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Special Professor of International Trade & Development Cooperation, Radboud University

  • Shamil Idriss, Chief Executive Officer, Search for Common Ground (Moderator)

  • Megan Corrado, Director - Policy & Advocacy, Alliance for Peacebuilding (Opening Remarks)