On Tuesday, November 14th at 11am ET, join AfP and Management Systems International, a Tetra Tech Company, for a discussion around the nexus of peacebuilding and governance. Each conflict context is unique and dynamic, but nearly all have an underpinning of weak governance structures. Conversely, intentionally programming to strengthen governance, including through citizen participation and improved service delivery, can yield peace dividends. The event will feature a panel to explore these considerations, including best practices gleaned from experiences in Colombia and northern Mozambique. The conversation will also dive into how both peacebuilding and governance practitioners can share experiences using people-centered approaches and learn from each other to achieve development outcomes.
Julia Drude, Chief of Staff, USAID/CPS
Sam Ratner, Policy Director, Win Without War
Jésus Coronado Escobar, MEL Director, MSI
Christy Martins, Practice Area Leader, Peace & Stability, MSI
Shelley Inglis, USAID Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance Bureau