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USAID Peace & Security Summit Partners' Day

  • 1800 Massachusetts Ave NW Suite 401 Washington, DC United States (map)

Join USAID’s Peace & Security Summit Partners’ Day, featuring a session with AfP’s Deputy Executive Director of Research & Finance Jessica Baumgardner-Zuzik!

The USAID Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization (CPS) invites you to participate in its first Peace and Security Summit Partners Day. The Partners Day will convene USAID global staff, implementing partners, multilateral organizations, donors, and interagency partners. We hope you will join the day to exchange ideas, knowledge, and learning to better prevent armed conflict and violence and promote peace.

AfP’s Deputy Executive Director of Research & Finance Jessica Baumgardner-Zuzik will be featured in a panel, “Evidence & Learning for Conflict & Violence Prevention,” Thursday March 31st at 7:00am!