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#Yes4YPS Webinar - Building Peace After Elections: Lessons from Youth Peacebuilders

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 | 10:00am ET

Join us for the seventh webinar for a conversation on Building Peace After Elections: Lessons from Youth Peacebuilders.

Americans are cynical, uncertain & afraid this 2020 election cycle. Peacebuilders working to prevent election violence around the world are sounding the alarm about potential violence in the aftermath of the US presidential election. Americans are used to quick voting results, so pro-longed and arduous vote counting processes could cause a loss of hope and patience. A premature declaration of victory by either side could lead to confusion and an outbreak of violence. There are so many factors and dynamics that are possible and yet we know that violence is not inevitable or determined. 

No matter the outcome of the 2020 US election season, peacebuilders have their work ahead of them to combat polarization and division in the US. Concerns around electoral violence are not unique to the US, in fact, youth peacebuilders around the world have been key mobilizers in building peace around contested, and potentially violent, election processes. Now is the time for American youth to listen to the lessons learned from international youth peacebuilders who have experienced electoral violence.


  • Zander Willoughby; +Peace Program Manager (moderator)

  • Moctar Kane, Mali, AU Peace Ambassador, West Africa

  • Julia Canney; Policy & Communications Associate, Impact Peace

  • Ulan Usoiun; Leader of the youth civil movement, Bashtan Bashta & Founder/Director, Kochmon Nomad Public Foundation

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