Policy & Donor Response to COVID-19

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AfP is working hard to keep up to date with policy developments around COVID-19. We are working actively with the policy and advocacy community to support our member organizations and peacebuilders. Please find resources below ranging from legislationt to relevant guidance and responses from donors.


Congressional Response:

S.3548 – CARES Act

Information on the CARES Act

CARES Act Relief and Assistance Opportunities for Nonprofits, Philanthropy New York. Find webinars and resources that walk organizations through the process of applying here.

A Nonprofit Analysis of the Federal CARES Act, Nonprofit New York.

How Nonprofits Can Utilize the New Federal Laws Dealing with COVID-19, Nonprofit Quarterly.

Loans Available for Nonprofits in the CARES Act, National Council on Nonprofits.

CARES Act, National Council on Nonprofits.

CARES Act: How to Apply for Nonprofit Relief Funds, Independent Sector.

Nonprofit Economic Relief:

Treasury, IRS, and Department of Labor plan to implement tax credit for small and medium sized businesses to reimburse costs of COVID-19 related employee leave. Read here:  https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/treasury-irs-and-labor-announce-plan-to-implement-coronavirus-related-paid-leave-for-workers-and-tax-credits-for-small-and-midsize-businesses-to-swiftly-recover-the-cost-of-providing-coronavirus

You can find information on how U.S. nonprofits can apply for economic relief from the U.S. Small Business Administration here: https://www.sba.gov/disaster-assistance/coronavirus-covid-19


AfP’s Advocacy Efforts:

September 2020: In coordination with USGLC, AfP sent this letter to Congressional leadership in anticipation of a new COVID-19 supplemental.

August 2020: AfP and members sent a letter to the UK to ensure funding and prioritization of conflict and fragile states.

July 2020: AfP sent this letter to Congress expressing the need for $20billion in foreign assistance to be included in the next supplemental in order to avoid serious setbacks in international development and security.

June 2020: AfP, with 71 other organizations, wrote this letter to Congress and relevant committees on the need for foreign assistance.

May 2020: On behalf of its members, AfP wrote a letter to Congress to reiterate that foreign assistance funding is necessary to contain this pandemic abroad.

April 2020: AfP, with assistance and sign-on from 18 members, wrote this letter to Congress on behalf of the non-profit community, with asks concerning additional supplemental funding to the CARES Act and the Global Fragility Act.