Felicia Price, Senior Manager – Membership, Events & Operations

Felicia is a Senior Manager for Membership, Events & Operations at AfP. She has demonstrated experience in administrative, membership, and organizational support across several companies, universities, and nonprofits.

Before joining AfP, Felicia worked at membership organizations of varying sizes, including those providing facilitation, dialogue, and mediation in their local communities.

As an intern at a national mediation association, she worked with graduate students and community mediation leaders throughout North America, who held listening sessions and discovered local concerns that needed to be addressed. Along with creating a lengthy membership survey, she spent the yearlong effort helping to co-write the State of Community Mediation Report 2019. She has worked with community engagement groups to connect them with online resource libraries, webinars, virtual support, and events to aid their conflict resolution work. Additionally, she co-led several cohorts of leaders looking to create mediation and conflict resolution services in U.S. communities that did not have local options outside the court mediation system.

She has degrees in international relations from Case Western Reserve University and American University and earned her master’s degree in conflict resolution (2019) from George Mason University's Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution.

Felicia lives in Northern Virginia and enjoys reading, traveling, trying to keep her plants alive, and learning TikTok dances from her teen daughters.