Global Fragility Act
The Global Fragility Act (GFA) was passed by Congress as part of the 2020 Consolidated Appropriations Act (see section on GFA here) and signed into law by President Trump on December 20, 2019. Enactment of this bill represented a historic victory for the peacebuilding field, which long advocated for the GFA as a game-changing way forward to prevent and reduce violent conflict. In December 2020, the U.S. government released the first-ever comprehensive U.S. government strategy to tackle and prevent spiraling global conflict. In April 2022, President Biden announced the priority contexts for implementation: Haiti, Libya, Mozambique, Papua New Guinea, and Coastal West Africa (Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, and Togo).
The Alliance for Peacebuilding and Mercy Corps co-lead a non-partisan coalition of more than 100 peacebuilding, humanitarian, development, and faith-based organizations that work closely with Congress and the Administration to ensure successful implementation of the GFA.
Read AfP and OEF’s GFA Implementation Report.
Read AfP and Our Secure Future’s GFA Implementation Report: Gender Companion.
Read AfP and Peace Direct’s report on local peacebuilder perspectives on the GFA here.
Read AfP’s Report on Ethiopia and the GFA here.
Read AfP’s Report on How Congress Can Break Down Barriers to GFA Implementation here.
Global Fragility Strategy
U.S. Strategy to Prevent Conflict and Promote Stability (released December 18, 2020)
2025 Report to Congress on Progress Implementing the U.S. Strategy to Prevent Conflict and Promote Stability (January 2025)
United States Strategy to Prevent Conflict and Promote Stability: Country and Regional Plan Summaries (March 24, 2023)
Letter to Certain Congressional Committees on Implementing the U.S. Strategy to Prevent Conflict and Promote Stability (March 24, 2023)
FACT SHEET: President Biden Submits to Congress 10-Year Plans to Implement the U.S. Strategy to Prevent Conflict and Promote Stability (March 24, 2023)
Prologue to the U.S. Strategy to Prevent Conflict and Promote Stability (April 1, 2022)
Letter from the President on the Implementation of the Global Fragility Act (April 1, 2022)
Report to Congress Pursuant to Section 504(c) of the Global Fragility Act (September 15, 2020)
Coalition Statements on the Global Fragility Strategy
Texts and Sponsors
House of Representatives: H.R. 2116
House sponsors include Representatives Engel (D-NY), McCaul (R-TX), A. Smith (D-WA), Wagner (R-MO), Keating (D-MA), Rooney (R-FL), Lieu (D-CA), Wright (R-TX), Fitzpatrick (R-PA), and Malinowski (D-NJ), Sherman (D-CA), Omar (D-MN), Cooper (D-TN), Beyer (D-VA), Pingree (D-ME), Pence (R-IN), Kim (D-NJ), Kind (D-WI), McGovern (D-MA), Case (D-HI), Bass (D-CA).
H.R. 2116 passed the House of Representatives on May 20, 2019.
Senate: S.727
Senate sponsors include Senators Coons (D-DE), Graham (R-SC), Merkley (D-OR), Rubio (R-FL), and Young (R-IN), Baldwin (D-WI), Casey (D-PA), Boozman, (R-AR), Markey (D-MA), Cardin (D-MD), Gardner (R-CO), Casey (D-PA), Durbin (D-IL), Collins (R-ME), Kaine (D-VA), Peters (D-MI), Cantwell (D-WA), Blumenthal (D-CT), Shaheen (D-NH), Isakson (R-GA), Van Hollen (D-MD), Wyden (D-OR), Klobuchar (D-MN), Hassan (D-NH), Reed (D-RI), King (I-ME), Murphy (D-CT), Hirono (D-HI).
S.727 was approved by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on June 25, 2019.
A previous version, the Global Fragility and Violence Reduction Act, was introduced as H.R. 5273 and S. 3368 in 2018. It passed the House by a vote of 376-16 in November 2018.
Statements from Congress
Statements from Congressional Hearings
Under Secretary Confirmation Hearing: Uzra Zeya written testimony by Uzra Zeya, Nominee for Under Secretary of State for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights—Senate Foreign Relations Committee
USAID Administrator Confirmation Hearing written statement from Samantha Powers, USAID Administrator —Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Secretary of State Confirmation Hearing video transcript from Antony Blinken, Secretary of State—Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Deputy Secretary Confirmation Hearing: Sherman/McKeon video transcript from Senator Coons—Senate Foreign Relations Committee
“Stemming a Receding Tide: Human Rights and Democratic Values in Asia” written testimony by Derek Mitchell, President, National Democratic Institute—U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and Nonproliferation
“A Year Out: Addressing International Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic” video testimony from Tjada D’Oyen McKenna, Mercy Corps CEO—U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee
What the GFA Accomplishes:
Focuses U.S. foreign assistance on preventing violence and conflict in fragile countries;
Saves U.S. taxpayers money by addressing the prevention and the causes of violent conflict rather than the costlier approach of containing it;
Increases transparency and accountability by mandating biennial reports to Congress and the American people;
Strengthens research to identify the foreign assistance programs and diplomatic approaches that are most effective at preventing violence and conflict;
Dedicates $1.15 billion over the next five years for conflict prevention and peacebuilding in countries at risk of violence and conflict.
Endorsing Organizations
Statements from Our Coalition
In the Press
Opinion | Haiti’s Crisis Can’t Wait for the U.N. Here’s What To Do Today by Frederick D. Barton (The Washington Post) 9 October 2023
New “Night and Day” US Approach to Conflict Brings Optimism, Challenges by Teresa Welsh (DevEx) 11 April 2023
The Global Fragility Act Takes Another Step Toward Conflict Prevention, But Bigger Strides Remain by Liz Hume (Just Security) 10 April 2023
Progressive Dem Explains How to Navigate a Multipolar World (Responsible Statecraft) 4 April 2023
As Humanitarians Call for Greater Attention to Haiti, U.S. Pushes New Approach to Aid (Miami Herald) 28 March 2023
US Releases Global Fragility Act Country Plans (DevEx) 27 March 2023
Senator Coons Statement on the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit by Senator Chris Coons 15 December 2022
A New U.S. Approach in Africa: Good Governance, Not Guns by Representative Sara Jacobs (Foreign Policy) 12 December 2022
DevEx Explains: What is the Global Fragility Act? (DevEx) 7 December 2022
USAID in “Time Crush” to Roll Out Landmark Global Fragility Act (DevEx) 16 September 2022
U.S. Foreign Aid Pilot Program Sparks Fight With Congress (Foreign Policy) 19 August 2022
U.S. Promotes Democracy in Africa as Rival Nations Expand Influence by Edward Wong and Lynsey Chutel (New York Times) 8 August 2022
Congress Questions GFA Delays and DoD Engagement by Teresa Welsh (DevEx) 12 May 2022
More Military Spending Won’t End Atrocities — We Must Focus on Preventing Them by Mike Brand (Truthout) 20 April 2022
Strengthening Democracy With the Global Fragility Act: Getting Political Transformation Right by Patrick Quirk and Lauren Van Metre (Just Security) 19 April 2022.
With West Africa and Priority Countries Set, Potentially Game-Changing Global Fragility Act Still Faces Hurdles by Liz Hume and Kate Phillips-Barrasso (Just Security) 11 April 2022
US Announces Global Fragility Act Countries and Region — finally by Teresa Welsh (DevEx) 4 April 2022
Global Fragility Act Countries Expected 'Soon' After Yearlong Delay by Teresa Welsh (DevEx) 2 February 2022.
How the Biden Doctrine Should Tackle Fragile States by Patrick W. Quirk (The National Interest) 17 October 2021.
Take Five: Sara Jacobs by Jim Saksa (Roll Call) 9 September 2021
Get Ready for a Spike in Global Unrest by Elise Labott (Foreign Policy) 22 July 2021
Pathways to Peace - A New U.S. Strategy Towards Conflict Prevention - Webinar by the Never Again Coalition, featuring Maurice Amollo (Mercy Corps), Dina Esposito (Mercy Corps), Alexandra Davis (Office of U.S. Senator Coons), and Mark Iozzi (Office of U.S. Representatives Majority Leader Hoyer)
Overlooking the Policy Connections: Fragility, Democracy, and Geopolitical Competition by Frances Brown (Just Security) 6 April 2021
Getting US-Africa Relations Back on Track with a Focus on Human Rights, by Andrea Prasow and Carine Kaneza (Just Security) 2 April 2021
The Global Fragility Act Could Give US Assistance and Diplomacy a New Start for Countries in Conflict by Liz Hume (Just Security) 17 March 2021
Revitalize US Multilateral Engagement on Counterterrorism and Violent Extremism as Well by Eric Rosand (Just Security) 3 March 2021
Civil Society Should Be at the Center of Foreign Policy by Jon Temin (Lawfare) 1 March 2021
How the Biden-Harris Administration Can Advance Peace & Freedom - At Home and Abroad by Corban Teague and Kehinde Togun (Just Security) 24 February 2021
To Address Global Fragility, We Must Start Locally by Bridget Moix (The Hill) 11 February 2021
Why US Foreign Policy Should Focus on the Root Causes of Violence by Mike Brand (Responsible Statecraft) 29 December 2020
New USIP Report Gives Us Something to Talk About: The Essential Ingredients for US National Security Grounded in Conflict Prevention by Neil Levine (CDA) December 2020
US State Department Releases Global Fragility Strategy by Teresa Welsh (DevEx) 19 December 2020
Global Fragility Strategy Could Drive System Reform if Implemented Properly, OECD Says by Teresa Welsh (DevEx) 8 December 2020
A Chance for Human Dignity in Washington by Maura Policelli (Keough School of Global Affairs) 13 October 2020
Ending Violent Conflicts Requires Preventing Them in the First Place by Liz Hume and Erol Yayboke (CSIS) 1 October 2020
No Time to Waste to Implement the Global Fragility Act by Liz Hume and Richmond Blake 16 September 2020
The Global Fragility Act Provides the Tools to Address Long-Term Impacts of COVID by Rep. Michael McCaul (The Hill) 4 August 2020
To Defeat COVID, Bring America's Full Power to the International Fight by Madeleine Albright and Stephen Hadley (USA Today) 27 July 2020
With the Women, Peace, and Security Act, Washington Could Be a Model for the World by Jamille Bigio and Amb. Melanne Verveer (Foreign Policy) 22 July 2020
Maximizing the Collective Impact of the Global Fragility Act through Systemic Measurement of Success by Conor Seyle (One Earth Future) June 2020
Make Democracy and Governance a Keystone of the US Global Fragility Strategy by Patrick Quirk and Lauren Van Metre (Just Security) 18 June 2020
Human Rights and the Rule of Law in Haiti: Key Recent Developments (IJDH)
Unlocking the Potential of the Global Fragility Act: A Path Forward (Brookings Institution)
Renewing Momentum Around the Global Fragility Act (Brookings Institution)
U.S. Confronts Failures as Terrorism Spreads in West Africa (The New York Times)
What Niger’s Coup Means for the Global Fragility Act in Coastal West Africa (International Republican Institute)
The U.S. Needs to Recommit to Conflict Prevention (Brookings Institution)
The Latest @ USIP: The Local Aspects of the Global Fragility Act (USIP)
IntelBrief: Jihadist Groups Threaten to Destabilize the Sahel and Coastal West Africa (The Soufan Center)
How Congress Can Break Down Barriers to GFA Implementation by Megan Corrado (AfP)
The Latest @ USIP: How to Address Fragility in Papua New Guinea by Laura Bailey (USIP)
A Smarter U.S. Assistance Strategy for Haiti by Susan D. Page (Council on Foreign Relations)
A Framework for U.S. Engagement with Papua New Guinea by Steven McGann (USIP)
Stabilizing Mozambique by Emilia Columbo (Council on Foreign Relations)
Preventing Conflict in Coastal West Africa by Eric Silla (Council on Foreign Relations)
Peacebuilding Need Local Partners—But How Do You Define “Local”? by Brandon Kendhammer and Rachel Sullivan (USIP)
Addressing Fragility in Papua New Guinea by Erol Yayboke, Bridi Rice, and Catherine Nzuki (CSIS)
The New U.S. Africa Strategy Is a Moment We Must Seize by Joseph Sany, Ph.D. (USIP)
Papua New Guinea: Election Violence Shows Lack of Trust in the State by Miranda Forsyth and Gordon Peake (USIP)
How to Break the Stalemate in Haiti by Georges Fauriol, Peter Hakim, Enrique Ter Horst, and Keith Mines (USIP)
With New Global Fragility Act, US Must Avoid Past Mistakes and Let Haitians Control Their Own Democracy by Alexandra Filippova (Just Security)
The Global Fragility Strategy Gets a Refresh by Erol Yayboke, Catherine Nzuki, and Anastasia Strouboulis (CSIS)
Five Key Considerations to Make the U.S. Global Fragility Strategy Work by Corinne Graff and Tyler Beckelman (USIP)
As Global Complex Crises Abound, how can the US Ensure its Responses are Sensitive to Conflict? (Saferworld)
It’s Time for the United States to Reengage with the SDGs, Starting with SDG 16 by Kristen Cordell and Christine Li (CSIS)
Understanding the Links Between Social Cohesion and Violence: Evidence from Niger by Adam Lichtendheld, Emilie Tankora, Lisa Inks, and Ryan Sheely (Mercy Corps)
Why and how the National Security Strategy Should Address Fragile States by Patrick Quirk (Brookings)
Prioritizing Research and Learning Within the Global Fragility Strategy by Adam Lichtenheld, Ifeoluwa Olawole, and Ryan Sheely (Mercy Corps)
Implementing the Global Fragility Act: Recommendations to the Biden-Harris Administration (Mercy Corps)
Global Fragility Act: A Chance to Reshape International Security Assistance? by Calin Trenkov-Wermuth, Ph.D. and Paul M. Bisca (USIP)
How the Biden administration Can Get the Global Fragility Strategy Right by Patrick W. Quirk and Richmond Blake (Brookings)
Addressing Fragility in a Global Pandemic: Elements of a Successful U.S. Strategy by Corinne Graff (USIP)
Fragility and Failure: A Better Foreign Policy to Counter New Threats by Katherine Zimmerman (AEI)
A Chance for Human Dignity in Washington by Maura Policelli (Keough School of Global Affairs)
Falling at the First Hurdle: The Global Fragility Strategy by Ursala Knudsen-Latta (Friends Committee on National Legislation)
Want to Reduce Global Fragility? Empower Civil Society by Richmond Blake and Patrick Quirk (Brookings)
Putting the Global Fragility Act into Action can Save Money and Lives by Corinne Graff and Liz Hume (USIP)
Maximizing the Collective Impact of the Global Fragility Act through Systemic Measurement of Success by Conor Seyle (One Earth Future)
Principles and Methodologies for Strategic Monitoring in Fragile States by the Keough School of International Affairs June 2020
How the United States Can Address Global Fragility in a Pandemic by Frances Z. Brown and Megan Doherty (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace) 4 June 2020
Implementing a Fragility Strategy by George Ingram and Nancy Lindborg (Brookings)
What the Global Fragility Act Could Mean for Development Investments by Elisabeth Dallas, Brittany Patterson (DevEx)
You Should Know: Global Fragility Act of 2019 by Kat Sisler (Chicago Council on Global Affairs)
Leverage for Peace Philanthropy in USA Global Fragility Act by Madeline Rose (Alliance Magazine)
5 questions You Asked about the Global Fragility Act, by Emily Huie (ONE)
Congress Leads the Way in Rebalancing US foreign Policy Toward Prevention by Uzra Zeya (DevEx)
Global Fragility Act Passes in House of Representatives by Anna Lagattuta (Borgen Magazine)
In Legislation to Reduce Global Violence, Can U.S. Move Beyond a Focus on “Extremism”? by Jason Calder (Just Security)
Fund Sharing and Fragility in Spotlight at Africa Policy Congressional Hearing by Adva Saldinger (DevEx)
What Have We Learned, 25 Years After the Rwandan Genocide? by Mike Brand & Claude Gatebuke (The Nation)
Global Fragility Act Introduced in Congress by Ava Gambero (Borgen Magazine)
What is Fragility and why does it Matter in the Fight Against Extreme Poverty? by Emily Huie (ONE Campaign)
A Promising US Fragile States Strategy is Taking Shape, but Key Questions Remain by Sarah Rose (Center for Global Development)
Sixteen Years Later, Let’s Finally Heed the Call of the 9/11 Commission by Richmond Blake (The Hill)
Burden of Battling Extremism Calls for New Multilateral Fund, US Task Force Says by Teresa Walsh (DevEx)
Bill to Thwart Violent Extremism Introduced in Senate, by Dave Kovaleski (Homeland Preparedness News)
National News
Global Fragility Act passes as part of US budget deal, by Teresa Welsh (DevEx)
Op-Ed: U.S. Congress Ushers in a New Era of Violence Prevention by Richmond Blake (Peace News)
Opinion: McConnell and Paul must pass peace-building act that would save money and lives by Carol Trainer (Courier Journal)
Global Fragility Act faces one remaining roadblock by Teresa Welsh (DevEx)
It’s time to pass the Global Fragility Act by Patrick N. Theros and Margee Ensign (The Hill)
The Global Fragility Act is a way forward to reduce violent conflict by Alliance for Peacebuilding VP, Elizabeth Hume (The Hill)
18 years after 9/11: Terrorism needs to be prevented at the source by Thomas H. Kean and Lee H. Hamilton (USA Today)
Global Fragility Act faces opposition in Senate by Teresa Welsh (DevEx)
To bolster conflict prevention, US House passes Global Fragility Act by Teresa Welsh (DevEx)
US congressman calls for foreign policy focused on prevention by Adva Saldinger (DevEx)
In Fragile States, Disease Outbreaks Don’t Stay Local for Long by Shannon Kellman, Mark Lagon (Foreign Policy)
Fighting terrorism requires this new weapon, by Anthony Zinni and Jake Harriman (Fox News)
Local/Regional News and Events
Nonstate Armed Actors and the U.S. Global Fragility Strategy: Challenges and Opportunities, Brookings Panel Recording
Coons’ Global Fragility Act included in spending deal , by Delaware News Desk (Dover Post)
Letter to the editor: Support the Global Fragility Act , by Annabel Gregg (The Post-Star)
Editorial: Terror leaves its mark on a generation, by The Editorial Staff (The Post and Courier)
Protect the most vulnerable, by Jordan Stevenson (The Spokesman Review)
Prevent violence, by Maya Ungar (Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette)
The Global Fragility Act: why action must be taken now, by Alyse Ferrero (Post Register)
The Global Fragility Act of 2019 a path to better world order, Soham Mehta (Arizona Capitol Times)
Help lift people in poverty, by Xavier Celestino (Hartford Current)
Young: Diplomacy Needs A Chance to Reduce Global Violence, by Chris Davis (93.1FM WIBC)
Help end global poverty and world hunger, by Taylor Hawkins (Roanoke Times)
A need to help the world, by Xavier Celestino (New Haven Register)
Keep troops safe by investing abroad, by Martina Rethman (The Eagle-Tribune)
Aiming for global stability, by Allison Dean (Houston Chronicle)
Positive Holiday News! Combating Global Violence Intelligently, by Maude Easter (Albany Times Union)
Preventing conflict, advancing national security: Why the Senate should pass the Global Fragility Act, by Steven Feldstein (Idaho Statesmen)
Montana values support fighting poverty at home, abroad, by Meredith Walker (Missoulian)
Fighting global poverty from Montana, by Meredith Walker (Billings Gazette)
Don’t cut IA budget, by Seth Cunningham (Traverse City Record Eagle)
Letter to the Editor: Foreign Aid As Investment, by Kristin Allgaier (Reston Connection)
Senate Needs To Follow House’s Lead, Be Advocates Of Peace, by Steve Willey (Bonner County Daily Bee)
EAD 2019 stirs up ‘good trouble’ for healing of national and global problems, by Alicia Bateman (Church of the Brethren)
Faith in the Public Square: Global Fragility, by Walter Ayers (Albany Times Union)
Austin, TX Event Recording: Preventing Conflict: The Role Of Diplomacy & Development in Reducing Insecurity
Showing ‘what advocacy is’ keeps Presbyterians coming back to Washington event (Presbyterian Outlook)
In Seattle talk, former ambassador to Afghanistan explains strategy to combat extremism in ‘fragile states’, by Hal Bernton (The Seattle Times)
Coons, senators introduce bill to combat international extremism (Dover Post)
Aid to fight poverty can lessen the refugee issue, by Tanisha Mali (Austin American-Statesman)