Champion Sponsorship: PeaceCon 2023
Champion Sponsorship: PeaceCon 2023
20 in-person tickets and 50 digital tickets
Prime In-person booth and virtual booth
Up to 10 spotlights on AfP’s social media (75,000+ followers)
In-Person and Online Event Visibility
Logo on PeaceCon registration & outreach and promo materials
Opportunity to provide branded giveaways at in-person exhibition spaces
Opportunity to sponsor/brand a session (Keynote and 3 sessions)
Opportunity to participate in a session
30-second promo video on PeaceCon Platform
Acknowledgement in PeaceCon opening remarks
AfP’s podcast Peace We Built It! shout-out
Newsletter shout-out
Online Visibility
Hyperlinked logo on AfP’s website
30-second promo video on AFP website
To checkout, please select the “CART” option at the top right hand corner of your screen.