USPB Webinar 2021 Series Main Card thru Sept.png

session 1: The Way out: How to overcome toxic polarization

session 2: What free and fair elections in the U.s.? It’s not just about election day

june 16, 2021

Session 1

Surveys show that Americans have become more fearful and hateful of supporters of the opposing political party and imagine that they hold much more extreme views than they actually do. How can we loosen the grip of this toxic polarization and start working on our most pressing problems?

Join AfP on June 16th to hear from social psychologist Peter T. Coleman as he discusses ideas from his new book, The Way Out: How to Overcome Toxic Polarization. Coleman will explore how conflict resolution and complexity science provide guidance for dealing with seemingly intractable political differences and discuss principles and practices for navigating and healing the difficult divides in our homes, workplaces, and communities to better our lives, relationships, and country.


  • Liz Hume (Moderator), Acting President and CEO, Alliance for Peacebuilding

  • Peter T. Coleman, Social Psychologist and Author of The Way Out: How to Overcome Toxic Polarization

Session 2

Preventing election violence requires a holistic perspective, which includes mobilizing community leaders, utilizing law enforcement effectively, and structuring the election laws to discourage hyperpolarization. Join AfP on June 16th to hear from our panelists who will examine various initiatives that sought to prevent election violence in 2020 and discuss what more needs to be done moving forward.


  • Larry Garber (Moderator), Independent Election Consultant and Senior Fellow, Alliance for Peacebuilding

  • Alexandra Chandler, Policy Advocate, Protect Democracy and Coordinator of the National Task Force on Election Crises

  • Kevin Johnson, Executive Director, Election Reformers Network

  • Nathan Stock, Political Violence Mitigation Manager, The Carter Center