This webinar series is brought to you with special support from Alliance for Peacebuilding, Search for Common Ground, Peace Direct, the +Peace Coalition, STAND, Generations for Peace, and Friends Committee on National Legislation.
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August 12, 2020 | International day of youth
The launch of the #Yes4YPS Series on August 12, International Youth Day, was a conversation to socialize the YPS agenda, explore how youth are contributing to peacebuilding, and discuss the key ingredients for government support of YPS.
Hosted by: The U.S. YPS Coalition
AUGUST 26, 2020 | WHy Peace education for youth?
The second webinar in our #Yes4YPS Webinar Series, Why Peace Education for Youth? Supporting Participation and Partnership of Young People in Global Peace and Security.
Hosted by: NewGen Peacebuilders and Generations For Peace
September 11, 2020 | Youth driving yps policymaking
The third webinar in our series, Youth Driving YPS Policymaking was a conversation on the role young people play in catalyzing the YPS agenda and the movement for YPS policymaking.
Hosted by: U.S. YPS Coalition and Global Coalition on YPS
September 23, 2020 | YPS in Action: Localizing the yps agenda
The fourth webinar in our #YES4YPS series, YPS In Action: Localizing the YPS Agenda was a conversation with young people who are working to turn global YPS policy into local action.
Hosted by: Peace Direct and iPeace.
October 7, 2020 | closing civic spaces: protecting youth on the frontlines
The fifth webinar in our series, Closing Civic Spaces: Protecting Youth on the Frontlines of Peacebuilding, was on the issues of protection that need to be on the forefront of the global youth, peace, and security policy agenda, to ensure that we are protecting the youth peacebuilders serving on the frontlines of conflict. UNSCR 2535, introduced on July 14, 2020, spearheaded this by calling on member states to prioritize the protection of youth activists worldwide. This conversation will focus on what more we must do to prioritize this issue.
October 21, 2020 | Social Changing the tide: social Justice issues in north america
In partnership with the Canadian Coalition for YPS, our sixth webinar featured conversation on social justice issues occurring throughout North America, including racial justice, LGBTQ, and indigenous rights.
November 5, 2020 | Building Peace After Elections: Lessons from Youth Peacebuilders
In partnership with +Peace, our seventh webinar focused on peacebuilders working to prevent election violence around the world who are sounding the alarm about potential violence in the aftermath of the US presidential election. Youth peacebuilders around the world have been key mobilizers in building peace around contested, and potentially violent, election processes. Now is the time for American youth to listen to the lessons learned from international youth peacebuilders who have experienced electoral violence.
November 16, 2020 | why do the wps and yps agendas matter?
International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN) and the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP) hosted a roundtable discussion on the intersections between the WPS and YPS Resolutions with the Beijing Declaration Platform for Action for Youth Peacebuilders.
December 9, 2020 | PeaceCon 2020 Plenary Session
PeaceCon 2020 Morning Plenary - Championing Youth, Peace & Security: A Conversation Between U.S. Representative Grace Meng and Youth Peacebuilders.
Commemorating the end of the U.S. YPS Coalition’s #Yes4YPS Webinar Series and the 5-year anniversary of UNSCR2250 on YPS, this plenary session’s speakers will discuss the global YPS movement with youth champions in Congress and youth leaders from different parts of the world. This energizing dialogue will explore how Rep. Meng and others are leading the charge to catalyze the YPS movement in the U.S. Congress through the YPS Act of 2020.