AfP Condemns Violence at the U.S. Capitol, Calls for Peacebuilding & Urgent Action to Address Increasing Fragility


January 6, 2021


Megan Corrado |


Washington, D.C., USA. – The Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP) strongly condemns today's attempt by an armed, violent mob to thwart the final certification of the United States (U.S.) Presidential election. The unprecedented violence today in the U.S. Capitol was illegal and un-democratic—the effects of which will reverberate throughout the U.S. and around the world. 

Significant hallmarks of American democracy have always been its peaceful transition of power and citizens' ability to protest peacefully. On November 3, 2020, the American people cast their ballots for the next U.S. President in what may have been the most secure election in history, given the numerous recounts and intense scrutiny. More Americans voted than ever before, even as a global pandemic raged throughout the country, demonstrating their commitment to the democratic process. Despite baseless claims of fraud, litigated extensively through the judiciary, and provided for, through our system of checks and balances as a means to ensure free and fair elections, Joseph R. Biden was elected as the next President of the U.S.

Today's violent display of lawlessness seeking to subvert the democratic process is a manifestation of months of dangerous rhetoric and a radicalized minority. AfP applauds all statements from Democrat and Republican leaders calling for peaceful protests, respect for the rule of law, and a continuance of the Electoral College certification. 

AfP calls on President Trump to directly address the American people to demand a stop to the violence and illegal actions to inhibit the constitutional process of certifying the results of the Electoral College, and to unequivocally insist on respect for the rule of law. Additionally, we call on leaders from both sides of the aisle and all sectors of society, including business, civil society, and faith groups, to condemn violence and demand the democratic process be preserved.

AfP has been increasingly concerned about the growing violence in the U.S., but is greatly encouraged by the fearless peacebuilders working to build peace and prevent violence in the country. The events today mark a dark day in U.S. history. However, AfP believes this national tragedy will spark a much-needed national and local peacebuilding movement that will work to rebuild our democratic institutions and address long-standing grievances, including systemic racism, injustice, and racial and economic inequality.

President-elect Biden has called on a deeply divided nation to come together to unite and heal. To do so, the new Administration must act swiftly to develop an urgent, coordinated domestic peacebuilding approach to address the drivers of conflict and violence and repair divisions at home. Now is the time to tackle the causes of our country’s fragility and violent history to create a truly equitable, just, and fair society for all Americans.