AfP routinely presents at forums and conferences on peacebuilding and inclusion. Liz Hume provided the keynote address at USIP’s Amplifying Women’s Voices in Peacebuilding event. AfP also attended the YouTopic Festival in Rondine, Italy, and participated in a panel on “Weaving Peace: Women’s Action Towards Reconciliation," examining how women in all areas of society are uniquely equipped to tackle today's complex crises.
AfP is a robust champion of advancing the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda in practice and policy, ensuring this work is robustly integrated into the Global Fragility Act and other laws and policies. Our leadership embodies these priorities with Megan Corrado, Senior Director of Policy and Advocacy, winning the UNA-NCA Perdita Huston Human Rights Award. AfP also serves as the Co-Chair of the U.S. Civil Society Working Group on Women, Peace, and Security, which strives to support the successful implementation of the Women, Peace, and Security Act of 2017 and United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325.
AfP also works to develop and advocate for locally-led programming and leadership. While the concept of locally-led development has been gaining traction in recent years and some progress has been made, significant cultural, operational, and policy challenges remain and require a shift in donor culture and operations to overcome existing barriers.
Finally, in support of "do no harm," we also vigorously implement anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies.
Boston Consulting Group: How Diverse Leadership Teams Boost Innovation
World Economic Forum: The Business Case For Diversity in the Workplace is Now Overwhelming
Journal of Intercultural Management: Building diverse and inclusive organizational culture-best practices: A case study of Cisco Co.
Data Disaggregation:
Inclusive Programming:
International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN): She Builds Peace Campaign
Women of Color Advancing Peace & Security (WCAPS): Young Ambassadors Program