Global Fragility Act Country Snapshot: Central African Republic


Publication Date: 2019

Publisher: Alliance for Peacebuilding

The Global Fragility Act of 2019 would require the U.S. government to select at least 5-6 candidate countries or regions based on a set of evidenced based criteria.This document serves as an example of a country that could, but will not necessarily be, selected in the “Stabilization” category. CAR suffers from decades of conflict and political instability, resulting in half of the country’s population needing humanitarian assistance for basic needs. The government only controls about a fifth of the country, while numerous militia groups control, and often spar, over the rest. The government is heavily reliant on support from the international community for security, which funds the Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in CAR(MINUSCA). A peaceful presidential election was held in 2016, but violent clashes continue in the interior. The World Bank has cautioned that “Fragility and the potential for renewed conflict continue to pose a serious risk through out the country.”