Posts in Interreligious Action
Policy Brief: Effective Inter-Religious Action in Peacebuilding Program

This Guide provides advice on designing a monitoring and evaluation process to collect data that can be used for learning, assessment of results and project improvement. Guidance will cover monitoring, evaluation, use, and dissemination of results. Because considerations of project design are integral to monitoring and evaluation questions, we have also provided a brief overview of emerging standards regarding the design of peacebuilding programming, with references to additional resources.

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Key Learnings & Findings: Effective Inter-Religious Action in Peacebuilding Program

This Guide provides advice on designing a monitoring and evaluation process to collect data that can be used for learning, assessment of results and project improvement. Guidance will cover monitoring, evaluation, use, and dissemination of results. Because considerations of project design are integral to monitoring and evaluation questions, we have also provided a brief overview of emerging standards regarding the design of peacebuilding programming, with references to additional resources.

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Supernatural Belief and the Evaluation of Faith-Based Peacebuilding

There is very little research on professional evaluation of faith-based peacebuilding, despite the existence of a variety of efforts over centuries to promote peace within many faith traditions. Therefore, this briefing paper will first address pertinent concepts and principles related to belief in the supernatural that, to varying degrees, influence all faith-based actors.

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Effective Inter-Religious Action in Peacebuilding Global Advisory Council Annual Meeting Report

AfP in collaboration with CDA Collaborative Learning and Search for Common Ground (SFCG) convened a group of 30 leading experts to discuss how to better measure the effectiveness of inter- and intra-religious action for peacebuilding. The meeting is part of the three-year program funded by the GHR Foundation entitled, Effective Inter-religious Action in Peacebuilding (EIAP) Program and took place in Istanbul, Turkey from June 15-17, 2016.

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