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Reimagining Public Safety Through a Peacebuilding Lens: How Do We Really Get There?

  • 1800 Massachusetts Ave NW Suite 401 Washington, DC United States (map)

With the current discourse on reimagining public safety and policing, the question is: How do we really get there? This lively discussion will take a deep dive into hot issues in public safety from the standpoint of widely diverse views: police practices, police culture change, and how racism shapes public safety in America.  At the panel’s conclusion, you’ll likely have heard innovative, practical ideas for immediate and systemic change which can help transform your community.


Preventing and Reducing Conflict and Instability in the United States: Shaping What Comes Next Series

Throughout the Spring, starting April 14th until the end of June the Alliance for Peacebuilding and the U.S. Peace, Justice and Democracy Working Group is hosting a series of weekly webinars, Preventing and Reducing Conflict and Instability in the United States: Shaping What Comes Next, with leading peacebuilding and conflict prevention experts, donors, and policymakers from across the country. The series focuses on the conflict dynamics driving instability, extremism, and toxic polarization, and more importantly, the political and policy changes needed to build a society that is just, secure, and fair for all Americans.